More of Snoqualmie Valley Trail

We went and did some more biking on the SVT this past weekend – much of the same trail as the weekend before.

We started at the same place, the Duvall trail-head, and biked a few miles past the 124th St traffic circle. Alas, we didn’t get down to the blackberry bushes this time – it would have been a few more miles, and we started late in the evening (we got caught in other household chores and got started much later than originally expected). But it was a fun time.

As part of the biking trip, we had to stop by the bike shop and pick up some new items – which includes a full-scale bike pump (the hand-pump only gets you so far), a tire repair kit, and a cheap speedometer. We used the bike pump right there at the trail, which it paid for itself in that one afternoon – IMHO, and I need to add the other two accessories to the bike this upcoming weekend as we prep for the hardwood installers to come and visit next week.

I will be hitting the trail again this weekend with Peter (and a few other coworkers). We’ll be starting a bit further down the trail this time – probably starting in Carnation, WA – and trying to see exactly how far down the trail we can get. My personal hope is to get down to the Snoqualmie Falls, if not the end of the trail, but we’ll see where we end up.